Baby's Safe crowling

Safe Crawling

For baby, learning to crawl is an enormous adventure. There’s so much to see, grab, chew, and pull! For mum and dad, crawling is a stress-fraught time. 
Minimize your risks by assessing the house for hazards: a carefully prepared house is the perfect place for your baby to start developing a sense of adventure!
Falls: Babies have little control over their own bodies and during their crawling lessons, falling is one of the most common hazards. Now, more than ever, it’s vital you keep them safe by supervising at all times. If you need the loo, pop baby into a playpen until you get back!
Trapped fingers: To your baby, doors are a whole new concept! Door stoppers are easier to install than you might think. You can buy soft stoppers that slide onto edges without any screws or nails.
Stair falls: Scaling and bumping downstairs is a great game when you’re increasing your range of movements. No wonder the stairs are high-risk: keep yours fenced off with a stair gate at top and bottom. There’s a wide range available, including screw-on and pressure-fixed models in wood and painted metal. Pick a gate that you can open and shut with one hand so that you’ll remember to close it behind you when carrying baby up or down the stairs.

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